Massage School Search

Frequently Asked Questions for Massage School Search

  1. Can I get my listing added to the Massage School Search site?

    Certainly, all you have to do is fill out this form. Once the listing has been approved, it will begin appearing on our site. We display listing information relative to a location our user selects so you do not have to fill out multiple listings to show up in many of our searches unless you have locations that are more than 100 miles away from each other.

  2. Can I get my listing removed from Massage School Search?

    We will happily remove any listing if we can determine that it is a credible request, preferably from the person or business the listng refers to. To request a removal, find the listing on our site and look for the link titled "Request this Listing be removed".

  3. Can I get my listing updated?

    Of course! Simply find your listing on our site, and look for the link titled "Submit an update for this Listing".

  4. Does this listing cost anything?

    No, your listing is completely free, which is a huge cost savings for you! Typical hosting costs for a small website could be as much as $200 a year but our service provides you with a stable, fast site for your customers to find you absolutely free. In addition, our site has been optimized for search engines so that Google, Bing and Yahoo can all locate you quickly. We publish all new listings to the search engines twice a month and we're constantly crawled by the bots for all major search engines - which means that if you list here you will be published to the internet in the quickest way possible.

  5. Where do you get your content?

    Similar to how Google and Yahoo search the internet for information, we seek out publicly available information and organize it so that it can be easily searched.